roxychick's: to whine & be frank. almost.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


oh yes.
it's been a while.

i'm so sorry for not being able to update and i know i owe you few other stories. but again, time has been a challenge to me. with the workload. stress.

while others sibuk menghabiskan sisa cuti, my colleagues and i bergelut dengan kerja. mana tak stress.

to those who might wonder what was my last entry all about, don't worry ok? it was only incek emosi on a roller coaster ride. orang baru keluar hospital kan memang macam tu. tak boleh sakit sikit, emosi saja. hah.

my health has been so so after the surgery. so so sebab muka sedikit bengkak di sebelah kanan, tiba-tiba sakit kepala bila nak bangun pagi sampai kena tido balik dalam sejam dua, baru bangun balik (paling pelik sebab benda ni jadi during the weekend je)

but tremendous difference lah when it comes to my breathing sebab now sans bunyi-bunyian ketika tidur. bills the bilis pon tak perlu malu seperti selalu sebab sebelum ni on the way pergi kerja, without fail, i akan tido sambil mulut ternganga, tapi sekarang tidak lagi semenjak hidung aset kompeni ini telah di repair...

err.. hidung aset kompeni?
hahaha.. i've got a story on that.
tapi itu kena hold dulu sampai tahun depan yeh.
ala... berapa hari je pon lagi tahun depan tu T_T

oklah sweetness yang masih lagi sudi jengok blog cabuk ni.
seriously, i'll try to put up few promised posts soonest.
cuba. ok?

oh, hari ni birthday budak gedik ni. gedik sebab orang nak wish kat fb, tiba-tiba dia deactivate fb dia. ceh. nervous la tu sebab she's celebrating big 3 0 hari ni. happy birthday hot mama! may Allah bless your year ahead :)
this pic was nicked from her blog, seen here with her 5-month-old pride & joy, emir.


At 12:30 AM , Blogger manishatisyaza said...


gigih apdet memlm he2.
hope u doin orite.
hope idung baru turn out bliss for u.
hope u can breath breezily.
jgn jd serombong kapal sudah heh.

At 1:10 PM , Anonymous bai said...

hahahahhaahhaha malunyeeee :P.


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