roxychick's: to whine & be frank. almost.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

cerita sayu...

last saturday, after collecting 'the bag' yg my best friend, d ordered from this boutique from klcc, i went to her mom's house in maluri, nak bagi 'the bag' tu kat mak dia. (d lives in the UK with her hubby and 4 little rascals) earlier on, d smsed me, saying that her mak pegi mengaji kat ttdi petang tu. so, thinking that i won't be able to meet mama sofea (we normally call her mom by that name), at first ingat nak pass je 'the bag' kat her maid. but masa maid dia keluar from the house, she said that mama sofea dah balik and tgh solat maghrib. masa tu dah berbelah bagi dah.. donno whether to wait or to leave. tapi pastu, sbb pikir tanak kacau rumah org maghrib-maghrib, i jez told her maid to send my regards instead. masa dah gerak, only few meters from her house, i felt hesitate and awkward..

b: you sure tanak jumpa mak dia dulu..?
me: tula.. dah la dah lama tak jumpa mak dia...
b: jumpa la. mcm kelakar je pegi camtu jee..
me: yela.. mcm tak baik je.. patah balik lah...

so, we made a turn and stopped in front of her house. masa tekan bell tu, mak dia dah bukak pintu dgn telekung yg belom bukak lagi..

ms: muharra kaaa? awat pegi?? meh masuk meh...
me: err.. takdela makcik. tanak kacau makcik tgh semayang...

so, i went in but b went to the kedai to looked for ciggies.

ms: isk.. lama tak jumpa muharra.. apa habaq?
me: alhamdulillah sihat.. sorila makcik. bkn tanak singgah tadi..
ms: takdak laa.. ni yang (d's nickname among her family members) suruh bayaq duit kat muharra ni.. dia pesan kat makcik dah.. berapa?

isk.. mama sofea tak sempat2 nak bayar duit beg tu.. hehehe.. so, she disappeared into her room and came back wif her lil purse. cute je..

ms: nah ni.. ala.. muharra ada tukaq 50 ni kaa? 110 kan..? makcik dah pakai duit kecik tadi masa bayaq teksi balik dr ttdi td...
me: alamak.. muharra mmg takde tukar pon.. eh, takpela makcik. 100 rinngit pon ok.. takyah la 10 ringgit tu..

mama sofea looking blank.
ms: eh, tanak la lagu tu.. ce tanya husband ada tukaq tak..

i jez smile and went out to checked on b. i called him in.

me: ni la suami muharra. makcik kenal kot.. dolu2 selalu anta yang balik dr itm.. dgn razip sume..
ms: haa.. yela. yela.. ingat la..

b salam mama sofea. tersengih2 gak.

ms: ni.. ada dak tukaq 50?
laa haiii...

i looked at b wit the 'takyahlaaa' look.

b: takde la makcik. isk. takpe. 10 ringgit je..
ms: ishhh.. tanak la lagu tu.. nnt jap.. atiiiii.... (her maid) awak ada duit tak? 10 ringgit..
a: err.. tak ada.. saya tak ada duit..
ms: laa.. dah habis dah ke?
me: ala makcik, takyah laa. takpe. muharra tak kisah.

mama sofea tengok purse dia balik.
ms: haa. ni ada 6 ringgit je.. nah.. short 4 ringgit..

aku dah tergelak2 dah. mama sofea seemed restless sbb tak dpt byr exact amount. tanak keciwakan hati dia, i jez took the 6 ringgit. tak kisahla kan sbb yang penting dapat jumpa dia after sooo long. so, after much fuss about the duit tukar, we talked about how time flies and everything dah different. how mama sofea was a bit surprised to know that her dear daughter dah beranakkan zach yushua baru la dia tau yg dia dpt cucu lagi.. hahaha! yup! dis fren of mine ni beranak setawon sekali... but her kids are all mmg cute and geram sgt bila tgk gamba2 dorg..

so, masa nak balik tu, masa nak salam2 tu la time sayu kuar... mama sofea siap peluk2 cium2 lagi.. pastu dia buat statement..:
ms: jaga diri naa....
a pause there...
ms: teringat kat yang... sob! sob!
dia tak nangis.. tapi cam sebak... alahai.. aku pon naik sebak gak.. naseb tak nangis...

ms: teringat kat yang....
she repeated. again. b stood by my side. silent.

me: yela.. dolu2 muharra selalu dtg sini lepak2, tido sini...
i tried to change the topic. then she looked at me.

ms: jaga diri naa..
pastu dia tepuk2 my cheeks... and smiled. i smiled at her..
me: ok makcik. jaga diri makcik jugak. insyaAllah, muharra datang lagi...

so, we went out and at one last look at her, i somehow know how she felt at dat time..... anaknya nun jauh di mata... mak mana yg tak sayu hatinya kan...

balikla sabariah oiiii!!! mak hang rindu kat hang...

d is in the middle. linda on the left and moi on the right. the 3 katik musketeers yg selalu crashed d's house. oh.. dis pic was taken when we were in our final year in uitm. year 2001 kot.



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