roxychick's: to whine & be frank. almost.

Monday, May 04, 2009

samala macam doktor ayam.

a quick one.
sila teliti gambar di bawah.

ya. ini adalah gambar seekor ikan yang di snappy snap snap menggunakan camera phone ketika saya & keluarga membuat lawatan sambil belajar ke aquaria klcc (yang entrance fee nya free untuk zaes tapi tidak untuk ahli keluarga yang lain) ikan ini memang kool, hip & happening.

now here's another snapshot of the exhibit name of the abovesaid fish.

now fellas, the question is:
is this a fish or an ayam or perhaps, a lion?
(ok. this is stupid question.)

or could it be a typo error from the management of aquaria klcc?
(literally, if lion fish is being translated to bahasa melayu, it means ikan singa, but instead it was labeled as ikan ayam for local name and in english, it means chicken fish..)

but... when i googled ikan ayam, this is what i got:

serupa kah rupa ikan ayam ini dengan lion fish di atas? sama kah?

and when i googled ikan singa, this is what i got:

more or less the same kan rupa dia dengan the pic i took?

muahaha.. mungkin sebenarnya saya yang ignorant sbb tak tau nama2 ikan ni sume. tapi. saja la.. nak buang masa. pastu jadi terbodoh. jap. (err.. wtf la oih)

*a quick one. indeed. T_T*
(i'm taking a break from my office work la.. tu yang cuckoo sket tu, sangap.)


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