3 years on...
*mata terbeliak!*
oh well... apparently, blogging is just not in my routine nowadays.
so sorry that i've neglected you for quite some time now.
and i don't have any idea how to start oi.
ermm.. ok, maybe i can start with this kot...
there's a new addition to my family or so to speak. i gave birth to a beautiful baby girl 2 years ago and her name is putri islazarasofea. so that makes me a mother of 2 now. my not-so-little son, zaes, is turning 9 soon. and i'm still with the same man. *chuckle* alhamdulillah.
terima kasih Allah.
there there. my little family.
yea. time flies.
34 dan masih di sini...
hai! :)
syawal bawal 1433
selamat! :D
eh, dah bulan tiga...
maaf semua. bukan tak nak update. tapi masa tak mengizinkan. blog roll yang ada kat sebelah kanan ni pon jarang dah gua click. tak tau la nak cakap. sama ada gua akan terus-terusan blame masa atau gua sendiri yang dah kekeringan idea untuk update apa-apa walaupon banyak benda nak cerita.
tadi gua baca blog
susudalambotol. dia rajin feed kat fb wall dia kalau dia dah update blog dia. so, korang pegilah visit her blog. tak rugi dengan santapan minda yang dia sediakan tu. cewah.
dia ni, sama ada dia tulis mengenai experience orang lain atau pon maybe experience dia sendiri (kalau experience sendiri, gua yakin itu past experience dia!) apa yang dia tulis tu kadang memang menyentuh hati. sebab kadang-kadang tu, adalah sikit-sikit (tak pon sipi-sipi) tempias dia kat gua. betul. menyentuh kalbu paling dalam haha!
kebenaran memang sakit. tapi kita kena pandai jaga, kawal dan rawat kalau perlu.
terima kasih hidd for your well-written entries. gua teringin nak tulis macam lu, tapi otak gua dah berkarat, berkerak semua ada. tunggulah bila emosi gua dah pulih sikit.
macamlah bila emosi dah pulih gua rajin sangat nak lap habuk kat blog ni. kan.
hi peeps! yes. i'm still very much alive. cuma emosi dah macam roller coaster ride dah.
say whaaaat...?
emosi sebab pregnant?
ala. how i wish i could use that as an excuse of this emotional comeback...
ciao bella!
p/s: gambar kat bawah ni kerja si zaes la ni. masa tu dia tengah bosan di hari minggu sebab mommey was busy doing laundry while daddy was out working. kesian anak zaman moden ni. haha!
Labels: emo
twenty twelve.
hi there dear blog.
it's been quite some time since we last met.
here's a new me in this new year.
take care peeps!
oh. that's not me. nor my baby.that's lil raees, tengah bf-ing... :P
babies galore!
hi there peeps!
just a quick update
my baby sis, bills the bilis and another cousin sister gave birth to beautiful boys dalam masa dua hari ni. cousin dils gave birth to muhammad adam on 20.12.2011, weighing at 3.58kg while bills the bilis gave birth to meor hayyden raees a day later, 21.12.2011 weighing at 3.42kg.
alhamdulillah! i'm a happy aunty yo! i was very very excited because i can't believe that my baby sis is now a mother. welcome to parenthood to both of them!
below are some snippets of the beautiful gems from Allah swt. Alhamdulillah, thanks Allah for the greatest gifts ever! :)
muhammad adam b. muhammad saifuddin, baby boy of mok & dils.
20.12.2011/24 muharram 1433.
i have yet to pay him a visit.
aunty mola will come to you soonest ok, lil jack? ♥

the night before he popped out.
yes, that's the dad in red. u-huh!

meor hayyden raees b. mohd farid, baby boy of bills the bilis & fe.
21.12.2011/25 muharram 1433.
can't wait to hold him! ♥
what a great way to end my 2011! alhamdulillah :)
Labels: babies, baby galore
tiga puluh dua.