simply because...
it's the eve of cny and i'm here at the office, all cold and alone. yang lain-lain sudah selamat bercuti walaupun ada yang di antara dorang bukan orang cina. muahahahaa..
i'm still working sebab nak habiskan my pending jobs and walaupon dah habis, tapi kerja mana yang akan betul-betul habis, unless you quit and goyang kaki di rumah
(which won't happen in any possible ways) so, yeah, i settled few things with
(amazing!) a peace of mind and sekarang, while waiting for the clock to strike 5.30pm, buat-buat la sibuk sikit-sikit, padahal tengah buat entry ni.
oh, before that, let me update on a few things. yup, si bills the bilis is getting married next saturday
(nikah) and the dinner reception will be on sunday. wow. time flies! my lil baby sis will be somebody's wife in a blink of an eye. hmmm... nak tulis entry sedih ke? haha.. nantilah.. i'm not up to the mood yet. maybe still in denial kot. hahahaha..
nanti lah ye.
and on another note, i was awarded department exemplary award on our annual dinner cum associates award nite
(which explains this entry). i was surprised tho. sebab tak sangka lah kan.. tapi alhamdulillah sebab ada rupanya orang yang nampak penglibatan i kat office tu.. :)
lagi satu pulak... a person who is very dear to me is leaving the company soon... malas nak bercerita sebenarnya dan itulah salah satu penyebab kenapa blog ni agak sepi 2,3 menjak ni... walau menangis airmata darah sekali pon, beliau tetap akan meninggalkan cubicle beliau dan berhijrah ke environment yang lebih mantap lagi. hmmph. nak cerita lebih pulak kang, susah jugak. hmm.. takpelah.
*memujuk hati yang lara :(
bersedialah untuk membawa zaes main kat playground sepanjang cuti ini!anyway,
happy chinese new year to all chinese community in the world and happy holiday to yang lain-lain. pandu cermat jiwa selamat, go easy on the booze & mandarin oranges AND come back in one piece ya!
six and counting...?
today marks my sixth year working here.
fuh. cepat betul masa berlalu.
ye. enam dan sekarang saya tak tau apa nak tulis.
happy 6th anniversary lah ye.