from melaka to pj. heh. suka hati i la..
bila hendak memulakan entry dengan ayat seperti:
sorry you guys! it's been awhile since my last update...
... itu adalah sangat cliche dan poyo pon ada. owh well.. how i wish i have longer time and energy. zaes pon tak selalu dapat jumpa mommey dia ni tau.. pity him~
hmm.. let's see.. apart from keja yang melambak kat ofis, what else happened eh? my company trip yang exhilarating
(exhilarating la sangat...) tu.. balik from sana
(ala.. melaka je) the next day tu accompanied
b to colmar tropicale, bukit tinggi for our beloved friend,
cik foxx' pre-wedding shoot, yang sangat exhausting.. and.. owh yes.. of course! finally met
kak emil to pass her the sponsored items after 2 unsuccessful attempts of transporting them to kak emil
(nak pos, the post office people tak nak accept because of the content, pastu dah set nak jumpa kak emil kat kl book fair, pon tak jadi sebab kak emil ada hal lain..).
and that happened yesterday. punyala excited nak jumpa dengan kak emil
(susah je datang all the way from ampang) sampai lupa nak snappy snap snap dengan kak emil. she came around lunch hour, and sebab excited kot, i dragged
cik jiran sebelah to joined me. kak emil came with her cheeky son, yassin. haha.. tiba-tiba nak tergelak sebab teringat the sight of yassin masa tu. boleh tak dia panjat sofa kat lobi ofis ni, then he purposely jatuhkan diri. and he did it over and over again! tapi dia relax je. tak rasa sakit ke apa ke pon. haha. cute la dia.
after few awkward moment,
(yela.. nervous sebab it was our first time jumpa kan..) dengan
cik jiran sebelah pon termalu-malu la konon.. paranoid kak emil tak kenal dia.. haha.. i handed her the sponsored item and a lil something for her as a token of appreciation.. nak tau what is it, please read
here. then we chat a bit, pastu she had to go to damansara to pick up other sponsored item lak..
(yela, it's already end of the month, if the sponsored items not in hand, camne nak award her readers kan?)to my surprise, masa salam, she gave me this nicely wrapped gift. wah.. kita sponsor hadiah, pastu kita dapat balik hadiah! i was surprised actually as i didn't expect to get anything in return kan. dah awal-awal pon niat saja suka-suka. and i guess, pasal tu la jadi over excited sampai lupa nak bergambar dengan this talented lady. dahla physically, she didn't look 40 langsung. and no kak emil. you are not fat either ok..
(on the way out pon si yassin can actually buat lawak pakai selipar kat tangan dia. muahaha.. kelakar sangat! dengan cheeky face dia tu.. LOL!!)masa naik lift dengan
cik jiran sebelah tu dah tak sabar-sabar nak bukak the gift yang kak emil bagi tu. and bila dah bukak.. taraaaa! wah!! best sangat sebab dia bagi 2 self-binded small-sized note/sketch books and a cute floral motif
art makeup brushes rollmade from cloth! yay! suka gila, terus mintak
cik jiran sebelah tolong snappy snap2 gambar
(yang self portrait tu laa..) using my camera phone... uhuhuu..
the gift!
jakun habes! LOLbest! best! best! suka sangat knowing that all of the items came from a person i admired for her talent and hardwork! to kak emil, thanks very much, again, you made my day yesterday.. yeehaa! oh. glad that you like my lil gift.. =D
okeh. gotta run peeps sebab jap lagi nak attend my uncle's birthday thanksgiving. will update on other things soonest. hopefully!
selamat hari minyak cap buruh.
Labels: emilayusof, subhikarimdotcom
kisah dan tauladan.
i was bloghopping
(eh.. tengah lunch hour la. while waiting for my lunch to arrive, blog hop jela.. ehem!) when i came across this blog. taknak reveal sebab i don't think it's appropriate for me to do so..
*alkisah... toyibbb! alkisah tersebutlah kisah sang kancil.. apa aku merepek ni daa.. toyiibbb!*
ada sorang cik blogger ni, suka sangat tunjuk barang2 yang hubby dia belikan untuk dia
i.e: her enormous designers handbag collection, yang according to her, her hubby belikan sometimes tu out of generosity la, sebab kesian tadi tak jumpa timun cina yang dia idam-idamkan tu, so hubby dia pegi belikan gucci bag la.. heh.. i'm sure most of us bloggers penah read these blogs yang suka sangat show off their bags, shoes, watever not collections so that orang lain can drool over their collection and seterusnya membuatkan mereka makan hati sebab tak merasa nak ada that kind of collection la kan..
well, IMHO, i think benda tu tak salah la kot. tak kisah la sebab hubby dia mampu nak beli. and also tak kisah la sebab dia memang seorang yang gila beg kan.. yang awkward tu, anonymous readers yang suka je nak kutuk, ada je menda tak puas hati nak cakap orang tu suka show off la, apa la.. heih. biar la dia. if korang tak suka, MYOB la. jangan baca blog dia. dah. abis cite. kan?
one more thing, ada gak wannabes. because it's the IN thing to do
(kebanyakannya orang yang baru nak start tulis blog ni laa), korang pon nak ikut jugak laa.. yela, orang yang dah baca blog orang kaya beg tu, nakk jugak buat benda yang sama. padahal, korang nye collection tak gah mana pon. and so to speak, pon kena kutuk gak...
isk. masa i started to blog, back in 2004 dulu, i blog because a friend of mine asked me to do so. just for the fun of it
(tak. sebenarnya dia kepoh nak tau latest happenings in my life. muahaha. jgn marah cik pink stiletto.. *senyummm.. senyummm.. =p*) at first i was reluctant as i know i'm not a good writer. i only pandai tulis craps and more craps
(kalau crabs bole gak makan. haha. ok, lawak bangang. sila abaikan.) tapi i did it and say to myself that i'm not gonna be tied up, you know, macam la compulsory pon for me to update every other day kan.. and memang pon, i didnt update as frequent as recently..
(eh. jap. check archives jap. yerp. there it is.. 1st entry was published on november 9th and 2nd entry, november 24th.. hah!)*wtf?? byk tol kesalahan ejaan kat entry lama2! dulu2 tak rajin nak proof read la nih..*there were times when i didnt update for a month or two
(kalau rajin korang check laa..), tu mesti malas tahap jack sparrow or didnt have time to do so la kot. ada masa i took blogging seriously, ada masa tak. tah. maybe lack of readers kot, so takde motivation to write. like other blogs, wah! total followers pon dah beratus.. itu followers, blom silent readers lagi. haih.
moreover, ada gak yang blog sebab nak kutuk blog orang lain. ala- ala blog police camtu la.. ada satu blog ni, blog kak piah, i used to read that blog, tapi semenjak dua menjak tiga menjak nih, blog dia tu dah privatised kot. yela, asyik post mortem blog orang je, maybe ada la yang tak puas hati tu, terus dia privatised. tapi one thing yang bagus pasal kak piah ni, she also blogged about bloggers who plagiarised other bloggers blog.. yup! it's true, bukan thesis je orang plagiat, blog pon nak plagiat. yang tak bleh blah tu, sume content sama, yang beza cuma, cik markisa ni cite dia tengah pregnant anak pompuan, yang cik markonah lak pregnant anak lelaki.. and a lil tweakings here and there.. funny innit? tapi cik piah ni berjaya membongkar yang mana blogger genuine, yang mana faux pas. habeh kena la sumpah seranah. tapi cik piah terer gila kan?
anyways guys, the moral of the story is, blog la untuk diri sendiri, not because orang lain paksa or orang lain ada blog, kita pon nak ada gak. and please blog about yourself, your life and people surrounds you, things that interest you... blog for your own satisfaction la kan. nak show off tu takde hal, asalkan jangan riak sangat sudah. nanti Tuhan marah.
*owh. ingatkan i nak tunjuk makeup collection i nanti yeh.... eceh ceh!*okeh. enough for today. ala-ala cerita teladan lak entry hari ni kan.. muahaha.. yela, nothing interesting to tell. ni pon sebab teringat nak tweet*tweet kat korang dat i'm still around, MMOB..
(tak. i'm belum twittering twittering lagi..)gotta run people. ciao!
nama dia myia sarah. eventho she's a lil cutie gurly,tapi dia nakal macam boy. dia suka buli zaes. Labels: myia sarah, zaes
drama seminit.
scene: suasana kawasan penjaja makanan yang meriah di kelana jaya, depan giant lama
lokasi spesifik penulis: tempat jual burger/laksa/mihun sup yang mobile
(ala yg kat van tu daa..)penulis:
bang, burger daging special satu!abang burger:
wokeh siap!sambil sangap menunggu burger siap, penulis overheard a telephone conversation seorang lelaki yang sedang menunggu giliran nak bayar duit makannya kat situ...
ha.. hello. hello..yela.. jap lagi aku sampai la..aku kat tingkat tiga sekarang ni..seraya membuatkan penulis menoleh kiri kanan untuk memastikan bahawa penulis masih berada di tempat yang sama, iaitu dekat sebelah van abang burger...
(dan bukan tingkat tiga)*ko dah desperate nak menipu pon agak2 la sket mat! cuba perlahankan sket suara tu.. mesti spesis muka tebal la ni... *
nah. sila gelak beramai-ramai.(go and amuse yourself here.)
abang boxer & his banana split...
hey peeps! ye. kemalasan melanda. banyak keja pon ye..
the celeb phooshoot 3 days ago, was a nightmare. well. close to nightmare la. wouldn't reveal details tho. sakit jiwa la. if i'd say more, nanti ada yang kena saman kang. so, i'm just keepin it to myself.
after talking on the phone with mama, i went back up to my hotel room. as i arrived, i can see that my roomate, kak l, was about to dooze off.
kak l, saya takleh tido lagi. ingat nak baca buku jap.
ok ke if lampu ni on?
kak l:
oh, it's ok. you go ahead. i ni rasa penat, i took the book,
(it was momzillas by jill kargman) and continued from where i left them. half an hour went by
(masa tu about 12 something a.m) when i heard a ruckus going on outside. not that loud actually, but still can be heard la sebab the pathway between the rooms takdela lebar mana..
then i remembered something. the opposite room was occupied by our guest-of-honor and i decided to take a look at the peep hole, just to make sure things are ok
(afterall, tu dah memang keja kan.. ok. ok. you got me. actually nak menyibuk sebab before that particular trip, orang lain yang pegi trip yang sama but different location pon, had similar experience of what i'm about to tell you..)since i'm katik by nature, i had to take a chair to the door, baru la bole peep thru the peep hole. and what i saw that nite, memang memsahihkan apa yang i've been heard all these while from my other colleagues la.. haha.
i saw a man with nothing on but only his boxer, came out of the room, tengah sibuk-sibuk amik makanan yang dia order from room service. punyala banyak makanan! and rasa macam nak wake my colleague up je tapi tak jadi sebab she seemed tired je, so, i decided to enjoy the show all by myself. abang boxer relaks je amik makanan, konon-konon dia sorang je yang ada dalam bilik tu.. padahal i know that the room was booked under my colleague's name on a pretext that our guest-of-honor tu needs privacy, taknak sapa-sapa tau dia dok kat bilik tu. actually kitorang memang dah kenal sapa abang boxer tu, he's her bodyguard, and she also said that he'll be staying kat another room
(as we didnt provide any room for him) tapi sebenarnya it didnt happen that way la kan..
ada la dalam 2
(ke 3 kali?) kali room service ketuk the opposite room, hantar makanan and took back the empty plates and all and i witnessed them all. abang boxer yang attend to the room service boy, tapi kat luar je, obviously dia tak bagi masuk dalam la kan, no matter how heavy the tray was. and i'm guessing that none of the hotel peeps suspected anything as the room was reserved under kak l's name
(she was fuming mad when i told her bout it the next morning.. "tak pasal-pasal nama aku yang tercemar! if jabatan agama serbu, kita yang jenuh nak menjawab tau tak?!") and if dorang nampak her face pon, they'd assumed that she stayed in our room or of our hod's la kan.. ceh. bijak sangat la tu.
memang goss file sungguh entry kali ni kan? this incident happened not too long ago when i was on a business trip. heh. owh well, i'm not trying to drop anybody's waterface but hey, this is the reality of the glamour celebs world you guys. you can still smell a hint of sour milk eventho the bin is tightly closed.
and no speculations please as i'm not gonna give in.not a single clue. niente.
something i'm doing just for the fun of it..
kak emil, the talented lady as we all know
(for those who follow her blog la kan) likes to organised contests or giveaways for her blog readers and before this, most of her giveaways were of from her own creation such as tote bags, note books, mugs and what not.. so this time around, maybe sebab dia busy or banyak job lain nak siapkan, she couldn't really bagi her handmade stuff every now and then and then she decided to get sponsors for the prizes and in return, the sponsors' banner will be advertised kat her blog for the whole freakin' month! sweet ain't it?
and memandangkan blog gua yang ala-ala je ni, bukanla nak dapat exposure macam celebs' blog kan, tapi just for the fun of it sebenarnya... so i decided to sponsor some of
the company for women's prods, for her to give as prizes kat her top commenters. yela, disebabkan sedar diri tak femes, nak buat contest sume tu, mesti takde orang nak layan
(nak jual tiket sunburst pon takde response), thus, that's the only way for me to see the 0.25 sen earning kat nuffnang tu naik ke 0.50 sen
(maybe laa..) eh! eh! jap.. ha.. tengokkk.. as i write this, disebabkan pakar dalam hal multitasking ini, dengan pantas telah menekan t dan seterusnya ke
nuffnangcom dan.. jeng! jeng! jeng! jenggggg!!!! tiba2, status 0.25 sen itu dah meningkat kepada
0.75! wow! lebih 0.25 daripada yang dijangka... muahahahaaa!
see.. the power of blogging i tell you..
(sorry kak emil, your dolly distorted kat profile pic tu.. heh)isk. gila ah..! ok. ok. kool!
(baru naik 0.50 sen from the last time you log in your account dah jadik poyo) so, for those yang rasa ingin memiliki
(mode skemarama: ON) barang-barang yang ditawarkan itu, silalah lawati
kak emil.again, i wish to thank
kak emil for her generous barter trade.. heheh.. i mean for the opportunity to advertise my crappy blog @ her superb-no-word-can-describe blog! insyaAllah ada rezeki bole sponsor lagi. oh! not to forget, for promoting
b's webby too! sapa yang blom visit both websites, go have a peek la eh!
dan ye, i celebrated
(participated la weh. jangan bodoh sangat.) earth hour hari tu! insisted on switching off the lights for the whole 60 minutes, eventho zaes' diaper dah penuh dengan bahan kumbahan yang berbentuk paste dan perlu dibasuh dengan kadar segera, basuh jugak la dalam gelap.. muahaha! to all who participated, bravo! and i hope it you'll continue the gesture when needed ok?
ok. gotta get my work done. next week ada important celebrity shoot la. heh.

dan terimalah gif banner yang direka sendiri untuk dipaparkan di blog
kak emil for the month of
april and may.. jeng! jeng! jeng! jenggggg!!! =p
Labels: earth hour, emilayusof, subhikarimdotcom, the company for women